We need your help

Cheshire Search and Rescue team is a registered charity and members are required to spend time raising funds in addition to training and call outs. Members are all volunteers and when they are not being called out or training they take part in a variety of fundraising activities such as bag packing, collections, talks and providing medical rescue cover for events.

The specialist equipment that we use has been bought through donations from the residents and businesses of Cheshire and beyond. It costs over £50 per day to keep the team operational and this increases during call outs. Items need replacing to stay in date, or at the end of their serviceable life and team vehicles need to be upgraded periodically.

In addition to the fundraising carried out by our members, support from the general public is vital to keep the team running. If you are not able to make a direct donation then please see the alternative ways you could help the team through vital fundraising activities.

Set up a monthly donation

Set up a regular direct debit donation and help the team on an ongoing basis. ‘Go Cardless’ is simple to use, very secure and easy to cancel if you decide that you no longer want to donate to the team. Contact us for more information on how to do this.

Make a one off donation

Donate online at https://www.justgiving.com/cheshire-sarteam.

To make a straightforward donation, you can send a cheque, made payable to Cheshire Search and Rescue to 4 and 5 Rex Building, Alderley Road, Wilmslow, SK9 1HY.

Or to make a transfer, use the Sort Code 01-09-17 and Account Number 58558691. Make sure you email us here so that we can track your donation and say thank you!

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